Thursday 24 April 2014

Kepping up to date with me!

So I haven't been the best at keeping up to date with this blog. I won't post on here as often as I do with my tumblr because this blog is a much more personal one so this will be reserved for things more to do with myself.

Speakinfg of my tumblr...if you like fashion and the such then you should have a look at my tumblr page. this is where I tend to post a lot of picture of fashion items that I like the look of. I post a lot about what music I'm listening to as well, having a degree in music makes you take a big interest in that subject haha!

I also have a twitter and an instagram, for twitter you can find me on @gemmacampbell and for instagram its @glcampbell

Feel free to have a look and follow, as again I post on them more frequently.


Spring has Sprung

So spring has sprung here in the UK and I have been out and about over the Easter Holiday's enjoying what we have to offer now that the sun is shinging and the pretty flowers are starting to bloom.

I took a trip to the Botanical Gardens in Durham on Easter Monday and it was such a lovely day for it.
The gardens are in connection with Durham University and students use these gardens to look into plant life in the wild which I think is really cool.

Its a great place to go when you need a break from the hussle and bussle of everyday life in a city, it helps you escape even for a little while.

I love to go and see all the different types of flowers in bloom and I took a heck of a lot of photos while I was there so I've selected some of the nicer ones I got to share with you on here.

I love all the different colours that are popping up at the moment, i love all the tulips but i think my favourite has to be the pink flowers at the bottom the most as they are such a pretty colour. I don't know the name for them unfortunately, there wasnt a sign to tell me what they were like there was with the others.
So overall it was a lovely day out and I hope you all enjoyed your extra long weekend just as much as I did...

See! look how happy I am to be in the sunshine :)

Friday 4 April 2014

We Can Be Heroes

This post is about a clothing brand that I have been a massive fan of for the past 2 years.

So...I Give you...


Established in 2011 they have been hand-printing all their own unique styles in the UK since then. Their syle is on trend, but unique so if you want to be a bit different and stand out from the crowd, then this is the brand for you. Most of the designs are tognue-in-cheek and this is what appeals to me. Its almost like a cheeky wink or smile on a t-shirt and literally in this case as one of their new styles for 2014 is this:
And you know what, its fun! It's different but still on trend, and whenever i wear any of the several t-shirts that I own I always get compliments on them, and people asking me where they are from. I always tell them to google the site and see for themselves.
Here are some of my purcheses from this fab website!

I also have another tshirt but it is no longer availiable on the website :(
The reason for my post about Hero&Cape is to just highlight them as a whole, they do great designs, the quality of their t-shirts and sweatshirts is brilliant, much better than most on the highstreet, their pricing is very reasonalble as well, £27 for a sweatshirt is a really good price considering you would be paying at least double that from some highstreet chains.
And finally, their customer service. I wanted to put out there how amazing their service is, it is second to none and I can say this with ease as I used to work in this area and I know good service when I see it. They treat you like and individual, and not like a 'collective' customer. I've always had great interaction with this company through its social networks (Twitter & Instagram) and it is honestly so nice to have service like that, it makes you feel appreciated, and this is one of the many reasons while I know that I will continue to buy from this company.
If you want to have a look at more of what Hero&Cape offer then take a look at their website:

Thursday 3 April 2014

Your Tea

So I've been thinking about getting healthy, as everyone starts to this time of year as we're coming closer to summer. And I really want to give it a full go this time and see if I can make myself stick to it. I bet I'm the same as a lot of people, I start out with good indtentions, but fall behind then give up all together. Its okay to admit that, everyone does it at some point...anyway...

I've been doing my research on this company called Your Tea ( who specialise in special tea's for certain aspects of life. Have a look at their website, it has lots of information on there. I've also been following them on Instagram and seeing people's results for their 'Tiny Tea' detox, which if I'm honest, I'm always sceptical about things like this. But I decided this time, why not give it a go? So it bit the bullet, and baught their 28 day detox.


This is how my tea arrived the day after I placed my order. (I realise this is a picture from their website but I promise you this is how mine arrived).
The reason behind me picking their detox was mainly to just give it a go and see if it does what it says. It is supposed to help with energy levels, which will help me as I am constantly lethargic and in need of a good pick me up. Its meant to help clear skin which is always good for spots (especially around 'the time'). It is also meant to help with skin problems like eczema and psoriasis, which for me will be an amazing thing as I have has psoriasis from a very young age. And I'm currently having a bad breakout so it will be good to see if it helps with this too.
The tea is also meant to cleanse and nourish your digestive system to prepare it for a new healthy lifestyle so hopefully if it does work I'll see results, and when you see results, it always spurs you on to keep at it. Another thing to mention, this tea is the only 'cleansing tea' which does not contain any laxative, so this is a bonus as most on the market will contain some form of laxative to fool its customer into thinking their product works, its always worth looking at the ingredients list!
Ill be having the tea 3 times a day for the next 28 days, and I will post a follow up of my progress when I can.


Tuesday 1 April 2014

2014 vs 2013

I can't believe its April 2014 already!

I probably sound like an old woman but the time this year has flown past .

I feel like this year has been good so far, but anything would be better than the latter of last year.

In August last year, I was told I had depression. Which when I look back wasn't really a surprise. I knew something wasn't right, I could tell I had changed in myself.
To most people on the outside I probably came across as the same happy, bright, bubbly person I always have been, but struggling with depression internally (when you don't know what it is yet) is crippling. Feeling alone when you're not is so isolating that I don't think anyone knows how it feels unless you've been in that situation yourself. I actually thought I was going mad, I cried...a lot. I felt empty, I had no motivation, and I also felt guilty, for feeling this way when there are so many people out there that have it so much worse than me, I am incredibly lucky, I have a wonderful family, great friends, a warm, safe place to sleep at night.
So when I was told it was depression, it was a relief but at the same time, a massive worry. How would people react when I told them? Would my friends understand? Or would they disown me for being 'mental'. What would my family say?
I didn't need to worry, my family were amazing, my mother and sister have both suffered on and off with this so they knew exactly how I felt, and my friends were so suportive, it was such a relief to know that they would be there for me if I needed them.

While this was all happening, I had just started a new job, which was daunting in itself and then a few days later we found out my gran who lived in Scotland had dementia, so she had to come and live in England so we could be nearer to her, and so she could be looked after by the right people. So a lot happened very quickly, in a short amount of time.

I did my research on depression, I read a lot of online blogs from people who had depression as well, I looked on charity websites for coping mechanisms, and I spoke to my family, which turned out to be the best thing, it taught me to open up to them and let them know how I was feeling, where as before I'd always just say 'Im okay' so I didnt add to their stresses they had themselves.

The reason for me being so open about this on this more personal blog is to show people that having depression isn't something to be ashamed of. It happens to people and it's not something you need to hide, be open, speak about it and it will stop the prejudice people show towards people who have mental health problems. It will lift the stigma placed on 'depressed' people. Trust me, it helps. I had such a huge weight lifed off my shoulders when I started being honest with people, and 100% of the people I have told, have been incredibly supportive. And I've not been treat any differently for saying it.

Thankfully I feel like I am nearing the end of my journey on this not so good part of my life, I still have days where i do feel the emptiness trying to creep back in, but I know how to deal with it now, I know how to cope and not let it take a hold like it used to. But compared to last year, I am in a much better place.

I hope this this will bring even the tiniest bit of reassurance to anyone that sees this (probably no-one) but if it helps a little, then I know I have done some good.

I now have genuine reasons to smile again, one day I hope you do too...


Monday 31 March 2014

Diving into the world of blogging


My name is Gemma, I'm a 23 year old from the North East of England and this is my new blog.

I've decided to branch out as I started with a blog on tumblr but I wanted to try something new.

My idea with this blog is for this one to be a bit more personal, without giving everything away, some things should be kept secret, so I'll be posting more of my day to day life, with my friends, family and so on through this blog.

I'd also quite like to post on here about beauty products and fashion as well so I will be giving my point of view on here as well.

So if you like, stick around and lets see how this goes together.

First off...I need to make my blog look pretty, I want it to reflect me personally.
